About Us
Vignesh and Durgesh (AKA Viggy-Diggy)
One has helped the army detonate a fallen boulder in a landslide. The other wields the Japanese katana in his spare time.
One is the alter-ego of a screenplay writer. The other moonlights as a Hindi-Urdu poet.
One masters the method. The other brings in the madness.
Together, they are very bad at writing impressive bios in the third person.
From cookies to detergent pods and cars to a national team’s jersey, they have peddled everything with equal passion. And along the way, picked up some prestigious metals to their name.
Last this section was updated, Vignesh and Durgesh had completed 9 years, 3 months and 13 days together in advertising. That’s almost how long Kim and Kanye dated, much longer than Durgesh’s marriage, and that’s how long the world has known that Mars has water.